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5 error "fatal" when combining common drugs

Ngày 12/06/2015 10:55 AM | Xem (3494)

(AP) - Many people often unwittingly combine seemingly innocuous drugs like fish oil, vitamins, minerals, prescription birth control with that unforeseen consequences.

(AP) - Many people often unwittingly combine seemingly innocuous drugs like fish oil, vitamins, minerals, prescription birth control with that unforeseen consequences. Here are 5 combined drug errors can cause personal danger.


Uống cây cỏ ban (St. John’s Wort) và thuốc ngừa thai có thể làm giảm tác dụng ngừa thai

Drinking original vegetation (St. John's Wort) and oral contraceptives may decrease the effectiveness of birth control


Multivitamins and prescription drugs

The multivitamin which contains many ingredients available, many brands also offer more other substances in vienvitaminnhu DHA, minerals, antioxidants protect the immune system ...). Experts say that as many nutrients in multivitamins, risk interactions with your prescription is higher. According to a statistic from the survey page ConsumerLab 2011, over 25% of the bottles record vitamins, minerals listed on the label does not fit the standard dosage. This means that you will not be safe if accidentally very high doses tinhket thuocbo case with prescription drugs, such hanVitamin KVA blood thinners or drugs and drug safety thyroid disease.

Plants Committee (St. John's Wort) and the Pill

Experts said the herbal depression treatment may decrease the effectiveness of prescription heart medicine, cancer, antihistamines and birth control pills. Apart from reports on cases of unwanted pregnancy while combining the two drugs, a study by the FDA (Food Administration and Drug) also found taking 300 mg St. John's Wort 3 times per day (the recommended dose to treat depression) also changes the chemical structure of the pill.


Hạn chế kết hợp omaga-3 với thuốc làm loãng máu

Restrictions omaga-3 combined with blood-thinning drugs


Vitamin B and Statin

Niacin - also known as Vitamin B - is used as a natural remedy for the diseases from acne to diabetes. However, these supplements can be harmful to the muscle if you combine with cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Both vitamin B and statins are debilitating to the extent that patients prone to cramping or soreness. But if two drugs are combined will cause unpredictable reactions. In a 2013 study of heart, 20% of patients taking niacin and a statin together will have reactions such as rashes, indigestion, in which 29 people were amyotrophic myopathy (myopathy).

Decongestants and blood pressure drug

Decongestants, especially containing pseudoephedrine (Allegra D and Mucinex D) constriction of blood vessels, decrease swelling and reduce runny nose. However, this drug can tighten the blood vessels in the body increases the risk of hypertension, blood pressure medicine against dangerous for people with high blood pressure, the American Heart Association (AHA) scene newspaper. AHA also warned many cold medicines on the market today contain decongestants, including brands Clear eye drops, Visine, Afrin, Sudafed ...

Omega-3 and blood-thinning medicines

Omega-3 supplements are necessary job, but a heart-type fatty acids also dilute the blood. According to the research center Cleveland, if you are taking anticoagulants such as warfarin or aspirin, you may increase the risk of bleeding if abuse dungOmega-3. If high doses of Omega-3 can cause bleeding stroke. When you bleed by combining two drugs on, talk to your doctor for treatment advice. Many herbs and minerals have the effect of coagulation such as chamomile.

L. Apply (By Shape Magazine)

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